In the future, will we all need spam filters for our RSS feed readers too?
Chalk up another one to Clay’s “social software is stuff that gets spammed” theory.
In the future, will we all need spam filters for our RSS feed readers too?
Chalk up another one to Clay’s “social software is stuff that gets spammed” theory.
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I agree with you
Site-supporting ads aren’t spam. They’re made by the creator you subscribed to. The appropriate analogy is banner ads — an annoyance, but one more valid than spam.
Nick Douglas is right in the most semantically narrow sense–these rss ads *are* more like banner ads than spam. I guess I was that these rss ads were “atomic pieces of information that increase the noise-to-signal ratio, for monetary gain”. And that’s what I consider spam.
Not that I don’t want to support BoingBoing–but give me the option for micropayments or click-thrus for your banner ads any day–RSS ads in my feedreader client *feel* too much like spams in my email client even if they aren’t exactly the same animal.