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Monthly Archives: December 2006



the last few weeks have been nonstop. First it was an excellent conference on computer aided language learning, hosted by the computational linguistics folks over at Ohio State University. Lots of interesting ideas gleaned and interesting people met. Perhaps more on this later Then it was 2.5 days back in Los Angeles, enough time to […]

The Problem with Linguistics


via LanguageLog: Linguistics will become a science when linguists begin standing on one another’s shoulders instead of on one another’s toes. –Stephen R. Anderson’s A-Morphous Morphology (Cambridge University Press, 1992):

Consolidating Music Metadata


Finally finished a script a couple weekends ago to synchronize data between Amarok, Rhythmbox, and iTunes. I now use Amarok exclusively, and it’d been bugging me for a long time that my old metadata from multiple machines and multiple apps was locked away and unexploitable. So i fixed that, for myself at least. I harvest […]

Finishing up the semester.


Finished up a semester of TAing. I really like teaching, so immediately rewarding, to see minds grow week by week. Research is so long-term by contrast (start working on a problem, get good results after 3 months, publish after 6 months). Signed Google’s job offer last week (will be working in their Santa Monica location […]