<delurks> I’ve been seeing евтини мебелиPenrose’s quantum mind theory gain more and more traction lately. Every time I turn around there’s a new discussion about it, a new paper published, or a new blog entry… all proposed by intelligent people that I respect. It brings to mind a theory that I heard a long while […]
Tag Archives: academia
Quantum Mechanical Effects in the Brain?
22-Jun-09Back from NY
17-May-08Spent this last week in NY, for a summit on Machine Learning for work. Had a wonderful time. Networking-wise I found the experience much better than academia (more possibility, ease for future collaboration with the folks I met). Jetlag did a number on me (going to sleep at West Coast Time, then waking up in […]
Finishing up the semester.
04-Dec-06Finished up a semester of TAing. I really like teaching, so immediately rewarding, to see minds grow week by week. Research is so long-term by contrast (start working on a problem, get good results after 3 months, publish after 6 months). Signed Google’s job offer last week (will be working in their Santa Monica location […]
Thoughts on Publishing in Academia
08-Nov-06To paraphrase/quote David Klein: publications would be so much better if we were forward-thinking instead of rigorous in our testing. It seems like people judge a paper’s value by “in 10 years, will someone find a hole in the rigor of my testing procedure”. I would rather judge a paper by “does this make me […]
Advice on Writing One’s Dissertation
02-Nov-06All dissertations require four months of uninterrupted work. The last month of work takes 0.5 calendar months. The second to last month takes 1.5 calendar months. The first two months can take years, and they usually do. Prof. Daneil Bewrry, U. Waterloo Sigh… if only this were less true.
break from the hiatus
27-Oct-06somehow haven’t posted here for a month and a half, phew. thesis progress still continuing but slow (I think I’ve said “Yeah, I’ll be graduating in a year and a half” for the past two years now). speaking of thaeces, learning the hard way the difference between science and systems. ugh, it’s so hard to […]
Bibliographic Management
13-Nov-05Bibliography Management Linkdump: Bibdesk : an excellent BibTeX database management system. Beautiful. But for mac only. jabref : an open-source, java BibTeX database management system. Lacks Bibdesk’s panache, but not bad. bibtexml: an excellent tool. Takes .bib files, converts them to xml, and then uses DTDs or XSLTs to mark them down to html APA, […]