I spent last week attending the CALICO symposium. The attendees were an interesting mix of language teachers, managers of language learning computer labs at Universities, linguists, and a few people interested in Computer Science/Linguist hybrid folk like me, interested in the intersection of Natural Language Processing and AI-driven computer pedagogy. The signal-to-noise ratio would have […]
Monthly Archives: May 2006
20-May-06I’ll be giving a presentation next Friday at 3pm, as part of the Natural Lanuage Processing seminar series, addressing some of my work with the Tactical Language project. All are welcome to attend. This talk will be a preview of the work I’ll be presenting at CALICO this year. —- Time: 3-4pm, Friday 2006/05/12 Location: […]
Two More Hurdles Jumped
04-May-06Ah. Just submitted a summer research proposal last night and my MS thesis this morning (you can read the MS thesis here). Now all I have left is to finish up the slides for CALICO and to wrap up my PhD thesis proposal. Busy, busy, busy.
03-May-06Huh. Leonard got filelight working on his mac. Not willing to headache with fink unstable, I searched around for another solution, and found Disk Inventory X. DIX isn’t bad by any means. It reminds me of SequoiaView, a favorite app of mine from my windows days. DIX’s UI is a bit slow (if, by “a […]