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So, I’m pretty sure I’ll be buying an iBook sometime in the near future (within the next couple of days?). I’ve been considering it for a while now, need a laptop, and the price is definitely right, especially for Apple quality. I’m pretty sure I’m going to get a 12″–$900 is a good price, the weight/dimensions are perfect, and the screen isn’t painfully low-rez.

I think the inadvertant proseletyzing of Gordon, Liz, Leonard, and Merlin has finally got to me. None of it was overt, but it was definitely a constant drone in the background of my mind for the last 6 months or so.

A part of me feels like I’m selling out to hipster subculture. Another part of me feels like I’m coming home (I grew up with an old Mac SE, remember fondly the system upgrades from 5 to 6 to 7, which finally had good multi-tasking))…

I should ask: are there ANY downsides to getting a mac? What is it like to code on them? Will I miss the right mouseclick if I’m only using the touchpad? What’s all the good software out there?