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Category Archives: meta

Modern Philosophy: A Jaunt Down The Old Memex Trail


Vannevar Bush predicts how I spent my post-lunchtime. A mention during lunch of Wittgenstein lead me to read about Bertrand Russell which in turn led to analytic philosophy and logical positivism (no I didn’t succumb to Hegel’s side of things, too). Instead I got caught up in John Searle and found this great talk that […]

Wiki in Academia


Going to give a talk soon on Social Software in Academia. The following is a report on wiki-use in for our project.. Context ISI is halfway in between industry and pure research. Wide range of users (language educators, artists, coders, researchers). ~50-70 people. None are too cutting-edge social-software wise. Most all use the wiki (aside) […]

Thoughts on Blogging In Academia


Going to give a short presentation soon on Social Software in Academia. What follows is a a public collection-place for my thoughts on Blogging in Academia: Summary of my Use, and General Thoughts: Personal catch-all. Given that my interests are eclectic–borges & ts eliot, natural language processing, AI-driven pedagogy, social software, lingusitics, religion… the blog […]

other conferences microaggregated


This is the internet breaking down social boundaries.

Language As Cultural Artifact


In addition to my research at USC, I’m auditing Second Language Acquisition class by John Schumann over at UCLA. The class is a refreshing break from the Chomsky-loving Theorists that comprise the Linguistics department over at USC. Not that Generative Linguistics is as horrible as some people might say, but it’s great to get diversity […]

Ads in RSS Feeds


In the future, will we all need spam filters for our RSS feed readers too? Chalk up another one to Clay’s “social software is stuff that gets spammed” theory.

Apologies to Attempted Comment-Leavers


Looks like my blacklist plugin for wordpress had been overly-zealous about deleting comments left on Sardonick. I had accidentally enabled a (to me, misleading at configuration time, though not as much in retrospect) option that said “Delete comments which are already held for moderation “. This had the unintended consequence of deleting every new comment […]

google-driven voyeurism


a recent mefi post suggests a wonderful google query. This basically finds webcams that (un)intentionally publically broadcast on the internets. It’s so weird to see slices of everyday life from remote corners of the world… a japanese petshop a place called “ocean park” a busy street in macao a random spot in the university of […]

this moment in time


a cup of hot oolong on the table in front of me. yellowish candlelight nearby and bluish rainlight outside. bossa nova strumming nearby and patternless noise of water drops outside. and my mind a thousand miles away, buried in the poetry of this Borges book, La Moneda De Hierro. but, then, blogging about it does […]

Experiencing Structured Procrastination


I read John’s essay on Structured Procrastination a while ago, and while I thought I understood it at the time, I didn’t understand what it meant for me until this morning. Over the last two weeks of relaxing, I barely touched that ever-growing stack of links in my *toread box on delicious. This is all […]