it’s easy to do as root, but takes a little working to have a non-root user be able to write as well as read to the drive. edited /etc/group and added myself to a group #500 edited the appropriate line in /etc/fstab: /dev/sda7 /fat32 vfat uid=0,gid=500,umask=002 0 0 need to check that non group-500 members […]
Monthly Archives: September 2004
mounting fat32 drives in linux
02-Sep-04Rhythmbox, iTunes, and mp3 organization
02-Sep-04Some dude wrote a python script to convert your iTunes library xml file to rhythmbox’s library xml file (mirrored here). I like the idea of iTunes’ automatic filesystem organization for mp3s, but I’m unhappy with the fact that it creates so many singleton “artist_name_folder/album_name_folder”folders. Need to write a script to parse thru the library and […]
In rejecting the faux functionalism of the modern style, the postmodernists have also tended to reject true functionalism. Chip Morningstar’s thoughts on postmodern architecture In a nutshell: postmodernism is bad because it’s a faulty antireaction to modernism that misinterpretted “form follows function”. …It is not surprising, then, that a newer generation of architects should look […]
mp3s from my car
01-Sep-04mp3 fm transmitter (Belkin TuneCast II Mobile FM Transmitter (F8V3080) ) mp3 cd player Memorex MPD8610-06(a little expensive) circuit city’s goods maybe something a little cheaper (there has to be something better out there…)
myhacks: align, excel2csv,
01-Sep-04file under *tocode will prolly take just as much time to write as it will to scope out. simple script to align the columns in a multi-column file: it’ll take in a file of tab-sep or multi-space sep columns, read it all in, and have the length of the space between columns be the length […]