Some dude wrote a python script to convert your iTunes library xml file to rhythmbox’s library xml file (mirrored here).
I like the idea of iTunes’ automatic filesystem organization for mp3s, but I’m unhappy with the fact that it creates so many singleton “artist_name_folder/album_name_folder”folders. Need to write a script to parse thru the library and for each of these singletons, change the album name to “Singles” and check the “compilation” entry in the xml tag for the song. Or something.
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i found this via google, both your links are dead, but here’s one that works:
i’ve also modded this itunes to rhythmbox library converter so it’ll produce readable rhythmbox (v0.11.5) libraries even if there are special characters in the file names. it doesn’t copy data except for the rating/play count/last played parts, but rhythmbox will scan the rest from the file’s metadata anyway.
here’s the mod: – no warranties and so on though.