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Boo for C#

And just when i was feeling completely settled into Linux again, we have a meeting this morning where an Ordinance From On High tells me we must begin work in C# instead of Java. (why C#? why not even C++? they say the dev environment is better, or that it’s more like java, or that it has better data collection…or something… this is the stuff Holy Wars are fought over, and it doesn’t look like “I have ethical issues with C#” or “C++ is more portable/reusable in the research community” are going to fly as excuses as to why not to use C#). Resign, resign, resign myself to it I guess.

Was able to set up mono this morning after the news, and a nifty mono plugin for eclipse… We’ll see if things work out nicely after all.

I could attempt to placate myself by saying it’ll be good to have the opportunity to start things new–I’m not entirely happy with the way that my system processed phonological disfluencies in my current version, here’s the chance to do it right…

And it will be good to learn C#, if only to have another skill under my belt…

But still…

::goes off to sulk in a corner::