just ate an orange. what’s with that smell that always remains on your hands for the whole day afterwards. this time, i’m eating it before i get to sleep, maybe i’ll wake up smelling like oranges still…
see… tonight’s entry kinda typifies my confusion with the whole blogging phenomena:
why would anyone care about how my hands smell after i eat an orange? my roommate jasper says blogging is an “opportunity for people to rant when they don’t usually have a chance to express themselves”–or maybe it was more on the lines of “give people a chance to talk, even when nobody wants to listen to them”. I really don’t know…
Still… even given my cynicism, i think there’s more to this whole trend as a social phenomena than i understand at this point, just because i’m only now starting to get into it… i don’t grok in fullness yet…
…still…even so…
remember that old dig about a million monkeys locked up in a room with a million typewriters, for a million days, sitting back and waiting for them to type out the Complete Works of Shakespeare… i get the feeling that, thanks to blogging and the www, we’ll find this theory to be overly optimistic, if you catch my drift