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MediaWiki no more

I came to the realization that while MediaWiki worked, it was hideously industrial-strength for my purposes. Ditched it in favor of MoinMoin. MoinMoin has turned out both snappier (especially when I run it from a mac ;) ) and easier to customize/hack. There’s a handy conversion tool to port MediaWiki data to MoinMoin format, but it was a bit disappointing–crashy, memory-leaky, and most of the time didn’t get the syntax right. But it worked, at least.


  1. Sorry to see that MediaWiki lost someone.. I myself have found it very easy to use, and I’ve grown into my wiki enough that “industrial strength” is invaliable to me now.

    Posted on 13-Nov-05 at 12:40 | Permalink
  2. Sorry to see that MediaWiki lost someone.. I myself have found it very easy to use, and I’ve grown into my wiki enough that “industrial strength” is invaliable to me now.

    Posted on 13-Nov-05 at 12:41 | Permalink

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  1. sardonick » more wikis on 27-Sep-05 at 13:07

    […] like script that takes a wiki page as input. Time, time, time… Edit: A year later, I find MoinMoin has matured a bit and is now easier to install. It&# […]