craziness of late
- Visitted an immigration attorney yesterday morning, to see what legal bumps we might encounter for the upcoming marriage in december, and subsequent applications for permanent residency and/or citizenship. While our situation is on the more typical side, I felt the high price of an official legal opinion was a worthy exchange for the security-of-mind that we now have. Whenever I think about lawyers, I always wonder if it’s possible to have a legal system that is intuitive for the everyday citizen.
- Signed the lease on the new place yesterday afternoon. A 2 bedroom joint near Venice and Sepulveda. Has everything on our desired-list: lots of light but not noisy, good airflow, sizeable kitchen counter-space (why are Los Angelean kitchens so small? They usually demand such acrobatics and pre-planning to find enough space to prepare a good meal), newish appliances, and a good location (quiet, safe, near busses). Two-bedroom seemed like the way to go, once I’m married in order to maintain a healthy worklife/homelife dichotomy. Mindy is moving in in December, once we get married. For now, the price is a bit steep ($1,500, considering I’m living off the pittance they give graduate research assistants at school, but I have a healthy savings I’ve slowly amassed over my years of studenthood), so perhaps I should put feelers out for a subletter. Anyone interested renting a room in a nice place on the Westside for half a year? Drop me a line.
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This entry (permalink) was posted on Tuesday, August 9, 2005, at 13:25 by mote. Filed in General.
Small kitchens. Do you think it’s because eating out is cheap? And no-one wants to do the washing up?
eating out is by no means cheap–especially compared to Taiwan–my guess is that LA has growingly less homeowners, and growingly more renters… endemic of the current culture of immediate/ephemeral consumption rather than long-term investing…. so you get people making decent money, living in apartments relatively inexpensive enough to make them feel free enough with their disposable income… ::end-monday-morning-rant
Hmm… maybe. I was house hunting (to rent) and saw this house with the dinkiest kitchen. I was convinced it was illegal… for health and safety reasons. Plus for logistical reasons, it was the only through path to the bathroom and back door of the house. As you can imagine, I declined to take the house. It wasn’t that cheap either. And unfurnished.
I’ve now found a lovely little place to settle, for now. Moving in last week of Sep. Sharing with another girl, academic, teaching at the uni. 2-bed mid-terrace. Visit some time, you guys welcome always. Bad grammar but hey, it’s dreary here, have to find something to amuse. Hope your Wed (and week) is progressing well, in light of Monday morning ranting. :P