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Welcome back to America, Nick:

  • Monday: come down with cold
  • Tuesday: Car broken into (while it’s parked in front of my apartment), CD player stolen
  • Wednesday: Find out I’m being relocated at work, from 9th story window office to 4th story interior office


  1. shone

    Can I ask a stupid question like, what was the CD player doing in the car? Or was it non-removable?

    Can you dig a hole from the interior to the window?

    Sorry, silly mood today, don’t bother posting this up. I’m just saying “hi and hope you get better very soon.

    I’m also thinking of career change (yet again)… Discuss later.

    Posted on 19-Jul-05 at 10:31 | Permalink
  2. mote

    Eh, do cars not have cd player/radios in the UK?

    Re: the windows, digging would have been too prohibitively complicated–but i had been considering, for a while, a complex system of mirrors…

    Posted on 21-Jul-05 at 10:25 | Permalink
  3. shone

    Oops, I thought I’d replied to that already. Obviously not. Well, cars here do have cd players/radios. But our car has the removable type… so there’s nothing to steal. Unless you leave it in the glove compartment (which is why we keep the drawer wide open on exit, to show that it’s EMPTY – nothing to tempt would-be radio-thief).

    Mirrors would work, were it not for the downside of having to see oneself in various poses of thinking, thinking… frowning… and bad hair (and/or beard!) days…

    Posted on 26-Jul-05 at 07:02 | Permalink