Backchannel was good, and backchannel was fun, but was I the better or worse for having participated in it? I usually take personal notes at these types of conferences, and with IRC up the whole time the backchannel became my offboard note-taking file. This is good because my notes got to synergize with other peoples’, but it’s bad because I didn’t get a chance to write any tangential thoughts that wouldn’t be pertinent to the rest of the group (self-consciousness of the group’s net signal:noise ratio, call it social temperance) but that would be useful to me. Had I not had the backchannel and had my personal notes instead, I would have written the contents of this huge blog entry in some text file instead of here, after the fact. And I probably would have remembered many more ideas than are listed in my braindump.
More to follow…
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Divided or Undivided A?
backchannel projection Originally uploaded by mebertolini. While the presentations happen in front, the back channel discussion projects on the left at the Social Software in the Academy Workshop at the Annenberg Center Since I’ve returned from the S…