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Si pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida
en la pr�xima tratar�a de cometer m�s errores.
No intentar�a ser tan perfecto… me relajar�a m�s.
Ser�a m�s tonto de lo que he sido;
de hecho tomar�a muy pocas cosas con seriedad.
Ser�a menos higi�nico.
Correr�a m�s riesgos, har�a m�s viajes, contemplar�a m�s atardeceres,
subir�a m�s monta�as, nadar�a m�s r�os.
Ir�a a m�s lugares a donde nunca he ido;
comer�a m�s helados y menos habas;
tendr�a m�s problemas reales y menos imaginarios.
Yo fui de esas personas que vivi� sensata y prol�ficamente cada momento de su vida.
Claro que tuve momentos de alegr�a, pero si pudiera volver atr�s
tratar�a de tener solamente buenos momentos.
Por si no saben, de eso est� hecha la vida, s�lo de momentos; no te pierdas el ahora.
Yo era uno de esos que nunca iban a ninguna parte sin un term�metro,
una bolsa de agua caliente, un paraguas y un paraca�das.
Si pudiera volver a vivir, comenzar�a a andar descalzo a
principios de primavera y seguir�a as� hasta concluir el oto�o.
Dar�a m�s vueltas en calesita, contemplar�a m�s amaneceres
y jugar�a con m�s ni�os, si tuviera otra vez la vida por delante.
Pero ya ven, tengo 85 a�os y s� que me estoy muriendo…

–Jorge Luis Borges

Whoops, and it looks like there is some skepticism as to authenticity of this poem.
This text did seem a lit too whimsical for Borges when I was reading it (Since when does he talk as goofily as needing to take a thermos and parachute outside with him). But, the talk of dawn and sunsets, and especially that bit about being 85 and dying at the end, well, it had me fooled.

One Comment

  1. A rough English translation:

    I would try to make more mistakes next time
    I wouldn’t try to be so perfect… I would relax more.
    I would be goofier than I have been;
    In fact, I would take everything much less seriously.
    I would be messier.
    I would take more risks, take more trips, contemplate more sunsets,
    Hike more mountains, swim more rivers.
    I would visit more places that I’ve never been;
    I would eat more ice cream and less lima beans.
    I would have more real problems, and less imaginary problems.
    I would be with those people who live, sensorily and prolifically, each minute of their lives.
    Of course I’ve experienced moments of happiness, but if I could do it all over again
    I would try to have only good moments.
    Becausex, if you didn’t know, this is what life is made of–only moments. Don’t lose the Now.
    I was one of those who never left the house without a thermometer,
    a hot water thermos, a raincoat and a parachute.
    If I could relive it all again, I would walk barefoot
    Starting in the beginning of spring and continuing on until the end of autumn.
    I would take more trips by cart, contemplate more sunrises
    and play more with little kids, if I had another try at life after this one.
    But, already they see, I’m 85 now, and I know that I am dying…

    Posted on 22-Feb-05 at 10:40 | Permalink