www.khaaan.com Khan remixed with Office Space (i love the slow, slow speaking pace of the Office Space clip, and how it drags you along in expectation of the interruption. Simply masterful :) …)
Category Archives: fun
Khan Memes
05-Aug-04All Things Condescended
12-Jul-04Read an article about a wonderful comedy troupe in the LA Times magazine this weekend . “This is NCR, National Corporate Radio News: Our News, for You. Coming up next, stay tuned for ‘All Things Condescended,’ the news that makes you feel smarter than your friends who watch TV.”
They Lied To Us
11-Jul-04Coolest. t-shirt. evarrr. they lied to us this was supposed to be the future where is my jetpack, where is my robotic companion, where is my dinner in pill form, where is my hydrogen fueled automobile, where is my nuclear powered levitating house, where is my cure for this disease
The Prisoner of Azkaban
23-Jun-04Just heard a replay of Elvis Mitchell’s “The Treatment” on NPR this evening, that started off with a wonderful interview of Alfonso Cuarón, director of the latest Potter movie (and also the director of Y Tu Mama Tambien and A Little Princess). The high point of the interview occured when Cuarón discussed how he would […]
Mindy is coming!
02-Jun-04She just bought her plane ticket! She’ll be arriving in LAX on 8/25 at 6:25pm
Good Eats in L.A.
02-Jun-04On the verge of leaving for Europe, a friend asks me fun places to go in L.A. Here’s a food-centric list Merkato Restaurant 1036 1/2 S. Fairfax Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90019 Phone: 323-935-1775 Hours: 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily Papa Christo (323) 737-2970- Fax 737-3571 2771 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 90006 […]
UK Itinerary
27-May-04phew…i think i finally got all this ironed out… 2004/06/02 (Wed) 1610 : Depart LAX Northwest Airlines FLT: 8602 Seat 27H Boeing 747 2004/06/03 (Thu) 1140 : Arrive Amsterdam 1345 : Depart Amsterdam Northwest Airlines FLT: 8743 Fokker 100 1405 : arrive Manchester Terminal 1 picked up from airport by Sarah Check out Sheffiled, hang […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
27-Nov-03Sidewalk Artistry
18-Nov-03Kurt Wenner is a sidewalk chalk artist with an amazing sense of perspective… Here’s a few Dante-inspired pics that are pretty amazing: You can see more here.
Ok, dig this: words, synchopated to jazz in an amazingly both-rough-and-smooth and thought provoking fashion. This is what the web shoulda done to nouveaux-art a long long time ago… “My Secret Trip to Pyongyang: Forbidden Love on the Haeoondae” seriously, you gotta check this out…