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Category Archives: computer science

sxsw microaggregated


Some day, I need to go to SXSW–if only for the experience of being around so many creative nerds at the same time. I never see some of my friends so brimming over with ideas and vitality of life as when they come back from something like this… In the mean time, i can live […]

Modeling Second Language Learner Speech Presentation


I’m one hour away from my presentation. Here are my powerpoint slides (with perhaps too verbose of attached speaker notes, because I’m like that). While I hoped to have more actual statistical results for my talk, lack of both time and enough annotation data kept me from that. Will definitely have it by the time […]

Rene Magritte – Clairvoyance


I like this picture. It talks to me about what it is to be a good artist, and a good designer. To see the potential as clearly as (or even more clearly than) one sees the actual… I love the way the artist is staring so intently at the egg, as if copying down from […]

Modeling Second Language Learner Speech


A week from now I’m giving a talk on creating a language model for second-language-learner speech (basically, my PhD research up to this point, and what will eventually become my thesis). Information: Speaker: Nick Mote Date: 10 Dec 04 Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm Location: Information Sciences Institute (Marina Del Rey, California) Abstract: ISI’s Tactical Language […]

The New School of Ontologies


A paper I wrote on ontologies (and, more directly, folksonomy) for a databases class I’m taking. Summarizes much of the thought that’s out there in the blogosphere. There’s a lot more I wanted to cover, but I was space-constrained. Here’s a preliminary version, full of rushed thoughts and unpolished wordsmithing. Will upload a cleaner, more […]

Ontologies, Taxonomies, and Folksonomies


Am writing a paper on “folksonomies” as contrasted with vanilla ontologies for a databases class. Really, it’s a contrast between distributed classification vs professional annotation (which is, in turn, a microcosm of what’s happening thru the web at large–blogs vs newspapers, blah blah blah). The paper is just a short thing, 5 pages. And for […]



It’s time for the Big Code Port. Moving away from Java and into something else more easily linked in with our existing project (UnrealScript and Python). Options were C,C++,Python,C#. C++ is an old standby, but Python shows intriguing promise. The downside is I don’t know it yet, but the upside is that it’s one of […]



Running commentary on the www implemented as wiki

CPAN and You


How to use CPAN to install a perl module CPAN Frequently Asked Questions

myhacks: align, excel2csv,


file under *tocode will prolly take just as much time to write as it will to scope out. simple script to align the columns in a multi-column file: it’ll take in a file of tab-sep or multi-space sep columns, read it all in, and have the length of the space between columns be the length […]