Some day, I need to go to SXSW–if only for the experience of being around so many creative nerds at the same time. I never see some of my friends so brimming over with ideas and vitality of life as when they come back from something like this… In the mean time, i can live […]
Category Archives: computer science
sxsw microaggregated
15-Mar-05I’m one hour away from my presentation. Here are my powerpoint slides (with perhaps too verbose of attached speaker notes, because I’m like that). While I hoped to have more actual statistical results for my talk, lack of both time and enough annotation data kept me from that. Will definitely have it by the time […]
Rene Magritte – Clairvoyance
05-Dec-04I like this picture. It talks to me about what it is to be a good artist, and a good designer. To see the potential as clearly as (or even more clearly than) one sees the actual… I love the way the artist is staring so intently at the egg, as if copying down from […]
Modeling Second Language Learner Speech
03-Dec-04A week from now I’m giving a talk on creating a language model for second-language-learner speech (basically, my PhD research up to this point, and what will eventually become my thesis). Information: Speaker: Nick Mote Date: 10 Dec 04 Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm Location: Information Sciences Institute (Marina Del Rey, California) Abstract: ISI’s Tactical Language […]
28-Oct-04It’s time for the Big Code Port. Moving away from Java and into something else more easily linked in with our existing project (UnrealScript and Python). Options were C,C++,Python,C#. C++ is an old standby, but Python shows intriguing promise. The downside is I don’t know it yet, but the upside is that it’s one of […]
CPAN and You
08-Sep-04How to use CPAN to install a perl module CPAN Frequently Asked Questions
myhacks: align, excel2csv,
01-Sep-04file under *tocode will prolly take just as much time to write as it will to scope out. simple script to align the columns in a multi-column file: it’ll take in a file of tab-sep or multi-space sep columns, read it all in, and have the length of the space between columns be the length […]