Comments on: Five Years Ago Today Disclaimer: The following web space does not contain my own opinions, merely linguistic representations thereof. Sun, 13 Mar 2011 07:12:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bassam Tue, 12 Sep 2006 07:36:14 +0000 Thanks for sharing your memory of that day. I never got the chance to hear how an american that i consider a close friend of mine had felt this day 5 years ago. I am not a stranger to war, and i regret and feel sorry and heartbroken that this day ever occurred. I wish it never happened. The world has never been the same ever since.

Well, i hope my memory doesn’t fail me on the details but as i recall on that day, i was at the hospital with my mom and brother. My mom had at that time undergone a major surgery. We were sitting there with her in the room trying to keep her company. Naturally, we turned on the TV and there it was, smoke coming out of a building, later to be identified as one of the twin towers of the WTC. I didn’t understand what was exactly going on but then later I understood that some plane had crashed into the building. At first i thought it was coincidental, but then afterwards, to everybody’s shock, another plane struck the second building. It became quite clear that this was a deliberate attack. I remember the commotion in the hallway of the hospital and the neighboring patients trying to find out what was going on. Amidst the confusions, shock and speculations, theories started to come out… Later on the rest was history.

One thing for sure, ever since, it has been getting more and more difficult to be middle eastern…
