Comments on: It’s All Relative Disclaimer: The following web space does not contain my own opinions, merely linguistic representations thereof. Sun, 13 Mar 2011 07:12:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg Mote Wed, 03 May 2006 23:50:58 +0000 Plazes is fun. If only I traveled more, it would be cool to see dots all across the globe where my computer has touched the internet. I did get one very mis-labeled place which showed up in the middle of the harbor south of Singapore and now shows up in Tampa, Florida.

No problem with the mote usernames. I know there are other Mote people on the internet, I’m related to a lot of them. I am suprised that the other Greg Motes out there, you know who you are, have not taken up all the gregmote usernames. Although someone did beat me to gregmote at gmail dot com.

My dad thinks he remembers seeing John Asa Mote somewhere, he said he would look into it when he gets a chance to dig through his files.
