Comments on: Thoughts on Blogging In Academia Disclaimer: The following web space does not contain my own opinions, merely linguistic representations thereof. Sun, 13 Mar 2011 07:12:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sa Fri, 06 May 2005 20:33:19 +0000 Having (unfortunately?) left the world of hard core academia, I miss what it symbolised – the idealogy of expression and experimentation with thoughts and mind connections. Of course, in reality, it was harder to meet people with whom you could discuss such. I found it surprising and a bit of a shock/disappointment. Maybe that’s another reason why I’ve returned to blogging.

Perhaps in your world so closely linked to the computing/networked world, blogging is commonplace, but so far, apart from the friends who already blog (or read others who do!), many others have never even heard of the term.

You commented on the very question I tried to address back in the now archived blog I keep/kept – who is one writing for? (Or, more grammatically correct, for whom is one writing?) As you write to a range of audience, by nature of the posts, you introduce segmentation – eg technical/academic or general – food, society, even poetry. I personally think it’s a shame you don’t blog more as the technical side of things, I wouldn’t usually comment on, so have to wait at least till the next general blog!

I agree that it’s hard to establish a community. But if that was a goal, then it would go back to what the purpose of the blog was – is it to try and get as many viewpoints from different backgrounds as possible (always skewed towards those who are IT literate and possibly into the whole blogging arena); is it to strengthen existing friendships (which would probably mean more emphasis on news and personal thoughts/reflections and possibly have some reliance on prior understanding); or simply for carthasis (that’s one of my latest words!)? So far, the conclusion for my own blog is that it’s a combination of the last two – it helps develop the voice knowing the audience includes friends who want to know my musings (and occasionally to comment on them). It seems therefore that the pitch is on – if you’re interested in knowing more about how my mind works…
whether the reader actually gets much out is another matter. And since I’m no longer in academia, perhaps it matters less.

The small thought v. big thought concept. I struggle with that too. But still, to have every post be heavy-loaded and deep-deep… I think it would be a burden. I advocate the deep yet light touch interwoven, in order that as many friends as possible can access something. And after all, that expresses who I am too, right?

And yes, I like your coffeeshop analogy.

Other points – from your description, does that mean I’m also a nerd? No matter, the other day, our director just categorised our entire department as such – the “nerds” of the organisation. Said in half-jest, I gather.

Multiple blogs definitely is too much. But perhaps insomniac writers might find it of comfort.

If there are but a few who respond, if they are sparked by what I’ve written, it doesn’t matter about the rest. All this is ultimately about finding one’s voice.
